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Guppy Open Submission Shortlist announcement!

Well, it has been extremely difficult but finally we have whittled down the longlist to a shortlist of nine fabulous young adult stories. Thank you so much to all who were longlisted – the novels were all of such a high standard and hugely enjoyable to read. Now it’s the judges turn to agree on a winner – we hope to announce a winner towards the end of November.

The shortlisted authors and their books are, in no particular order:

Ellen Haggan   Blackmoor

Lucie Bowins   Elderwitch

Nell Griffin      Plan A Plan B

Amelia Etherton          All the Words for Stupid

Sanam Akram             Madi and the Moon

Heather Grainger        Lost and Found

Esther Scherpenisse   Cinders and Stars

Caroline Icke   Killer Queen

Sarah Bates     All Your Numbered Bones

Congratulations to you all!